Intel i5 gaming laptops (14 products)

Are you a desktop gamer looking to upgrade for gaming on the go? While they might not be as monstrous as a gaming rig or pack as big a punch as an i7 gaming laptop, an Intel core i5 gaming laptop will keep you going when gaming away from home.

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Gaming laptops have come a long way from their humble origins, and nowhere is their flexibility and untapped potential more apparent than with an i5 gaming laptop.

They might not be the biggest gaming laptops on the block, but an i5 laptop can still handle the majority of games out there. Although not built with the processing power for modern triple-A game graphics, these laptops are the quintessential choice for indie and old-school gamers alike.

You'll get smooth system operation, minimal frame lag, and the kind of performance that will make the average laptop user seethe with jealously.

When it comes to choice, there are a plethora of great i5 laptops out there. A gaming laptop with an i5 processor and 8GB of RAM will be more than enough to get you started, but if you know what you want, then start browsing our stock today!