i3 laptops (8 products)

If you want a quick laptop for use around the home and browsing the web, you won't need anything more powerful than a laptop with an Intel Core i3. Incredibly affordable and easy to use for those that aren't particularly tech-savvy, an i3 laptop will be more than satisfactory.

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While they might not be as powerful as a standard i5 laptop, there's still plenty that an Intel Core i3 laptop can offer its users. Often coming at fantastically affordable prices, they don't require much power to run but can certainly deliver on all those day-to-day tasks you need your laptop for.

Built using smaller computer components, a laptop with an Intel Core i3 is compact and lightweight, making it the perfect laptop to carry with you should need to be online while commuting or travelling, and while Intel Core i3 laptops can't handle advanced gaming or system hungry applications, they can still perform under heavy loads thanks to their hyper-threading technology.

They're certainly a cut above older Intel Core i models from previous generations, so if you're looking for an upgrade to your current laptop, but don't want to break the bank, an i3 laptop is ideal.