Ebuyer and Make-A-Wish® UK

We are delighted to announce that Ebuyer is working with Make-A-Wish, a truly outstanding charity which helps support children and young people diagnosed with a serious illness or life-limiting condition, by granting them their dearest wish.

A wish helps to restore that childhood and puts worry on the backseat. It provides an opportunity to choose something positive to look forward to and the chance to be a child first and a patient second. Make-A-Wish is Ebuyer’s exclusive charity partner.


Many children ‘wish for’ tech items and Ebuyer is doing everything it can to help provide these items. Here you can read how Make-A-Wish and Ebuyer help these children and young people. Their stories are emotional and inspiring. To find out more, read our stories below…

Every day, the lives of 10 families in the UK are changed forever when a child is diagnosed with a serious illness. From that moment, childhood takes a backseat to medical appointments and worry. A wish helps to restore that childhood and puts worry on the backseat. It provides an opportunity to choose something positive to look forward to and the chance to be a child first and a patient second.

Make-A-Wish UK is a registered charity that was established in the UK in 1986 to support children and young people diagnosed with a serious illness or life-limiting condition, by granting them their dearest wish. The charity receives no Government funding - registered charity numbers: 295672 in England and Wales, SC037479 in Scotland.